Dear member,
Flexible Working Consultation
GMB Representatives along with other trade unions met with roads and landscape management yesterday morning to discuss the two main projects that are currently underway within your service area.
The first project that was discussed was the proposed standardisation of timesheet processing and other departmental backroom operational functionalities.
A project team has been established with 1 Team Leader along with 2 Supervisors looking at the process and function of payroll administration along with people resource planning across the service to ensure harmonisation.
Your union has requested the addition of front-line staff to this project team who might be beneficial in identifying any issues relating to frontline staffing teams rather than the current top-down approach that has been implanted to date in establishing changes to administration processes for the completion of timesheets for instance.
The second project that we discussed was around the proposed changes to seasonal working hours which you should have received copies of this proposal from your employer. The council have outlined their position on this matter.
I have informed your management team that we are currently conducting a workplace survey to gage your thoughts on their proposal which will remain open for another week closing on Wednesday 9th June 2021.
It is extremely important all members within roads and landscape services complete this survey. Please follow this link –
I want to make this clear that this is your fight should you wish to take a stand in rejecting any changes to seasonal working hours within your service area. Your union will fully support you with this should the majority of members demand this course of action.
But without a clear mandate this will not be possible and formal terms and conditions changes will be implemented by Aberdeenshire Council accordingly as we are now in a formal consultation period with your employer.
We have been made aware that some members may not have received copies of the Council’s proposal if this is the case then contact your supervisor as we have been assured that this information has been cascaded to all relevant employees.
Should you have any difficulties in accessing this information please contact your workplace rep.
Kind regards
Stephen Massey
GMB Scotland Regional Organiser
Posted: 2nd June 2021